“I started making soap years ago, 15 years now, mainly because of my sensitive skin and the fact that I don't like using harsh chemicals that most commercial soaps contain.”
Julie-Anna Carlisle
Milkweed soap starts with a blend of organic, extra-virgin, unrefined coconut oil; organic, extra-virgin, unrefined shea butter; sweet almond oil; and castor bean oil. Notice, shea butter is the second ingredient, which is why my soap is so moistur-izing.
This collection of vegetable oils follows many years of personal research and experimentation and achieves what I believe is the best combination of sudsing, conditioning, and cleansing.
Each soap variety gets special embellishments, such as 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils and various botanicals and clays in order to obtain certain effects and benefits. I never use "fragrance oils" and all colors are natural.
Peppermint is a soothing and cooling soap great for shaving or just an everyday shower. Made with Saponified organic, extra-virgin, unrefined coconut oil; organic, extra-virgin, unrefined shea butter; sweet almond oil; castor bean oil; organic peppermint essential oil; and peppermint leaves.
Each bar cost only $6 and can be found at the front of the store.